Have you heard that it is pretty difficult for a stressed nervous system to feel gratitude? I have also really struggled with noticing the beautiful things in life and feeling gratitude when I KNOW it's meant to be so good for us and it's the good thing to do. And then I'd beat myself up because I wasn't feeling enough gratitude... lately, I've been giving myself grace for not always feeling gratitude but I am trying to make a list of gratitudes before I go to sleep. And trying to calm my nervous system.
I love this,I'm a teen and I lit resonate with your thoughts. Keep posting ,you are soo perfect I mean I love watching you it feels soo peaceful the background music and your words.Lots of love!
Loving the vlogs, So fun to watch! “Attention is such a commodity” really got me! Also why is it so funny to me the way Maggie sits in the blue chair 😂
Anna, thank you so much for sharing this! My brain is so scattered as well, I guess that's why I love writing so much. It helps me get clarity and put my thoughts in order. :-)
I love your thought on our parents creating circumstances, so we could enjoy the treasures of life as kids. Of course, kids are way more in the moment than we are by nature.
Maybe we have to learn how to do these things in a new way when we are grown up. We tend to forget to just be in the moment, stand still and enjoy the little things. We are so driven by our endless to do lists that we are constantly on alert for the next thing to do or accomplish. Our brain is so busy with planning and worrying that we tend to not see the beauty of this very moment. We jump from one content to the next in minutes and seconds. This is exhausting and puts us on alert.
I love your idea of diving deep into whatever you are doing in that moment. In a way this is like meditating. I will definitely try that today! Thank you!!!
I loved this. The way you put content together is just so lovely to watch.
Have you heard that it is pretty difficult for a stressed nervous system to feel gratitude? I have also really struggled with noticing the beautiful things in life and feeling gratitude when I KNOW it's meant to be so good for us and it's the good thing to do. And then I'd beat myself up because I wasn't feeling enough gratitude... lately, I've been giving myself grace for not always feeling gratitude but I am trying to make a list of gratitudes before I go to sleep. And trying to calm my nervous system.
Love this. I feel like this is how my brain is, too. It's exhausting lol.
I love this,I'm a teen and I lit resonate with your thoughts. Keep posting ,you are soo perfect I mean I love watching you it feels soo peaceful the background music and your words.Lots of love!
Loving the vlogs, So fun to watch! “Attention is such a commodity” really got me! Also why is it so funny to me the way Maggie sits in the blue chair 😂
Nice to hear your revelations. Love you. ❤️ Mom
Anna, thank you so much for sharing this! My brain is so scattered as well, I guess that's why I love writing so much. It helps me get clarity and put my thoughts in order. :-)
I love your thought on our parents creating circumstances, so we could enjoy the treasures of life as kids. Of course, kids are way more in the moment than we are by nature.
Maybe we have to learn how to do these things in a new way when we are grown up. We tend to forget to just be in the moment, stand still and enjoy the little things. We are so driven by our endless to do lists that we are constantly on alert for the next thing to do or accomplish. Our brain is so busy with planning and worrying that we tend to not see the beauty of this very moment. We jump from one content to the next in minutes and seconds. This is exhausting and puts us on alert.
I love your idea of diving deep into whatever you are doing in that moment. In a way this is like meditating. I will definitely try that today! Thank you!!!
Loved this! My brain works exactly in the same way 😆
I feel like I’m watching pieces of the notebook 📽️
This came at the perfect time for me ❤️
Love you angel ♥️