
Am I Really at Capacity? Or Am I Lying To Myself?

Why Gratitude Feels Impossible Lately (and What I've Decided to Do About It)

I went back to the gym today. 9:30 a.m.. Right smack dab in the middle of the morning, right when I'm *supposed* to be doing a million other things. But after weeks of mulling it over, contemplating when to go, checking and rechecking the schedule, coming up with a laundry list of reasons why now just wasn't a good time to add another thing onto my plate, I finally went. I should add, with a nudge from my husband, who's been on a gym kick lately, and my friend Erin, who's always encouraging me to go wider and deeper than I think is possible. (Love you, Erin.)

Anyway, I went, and it opened me up in a way that I didn't expect.

It wasn't that the workout was so great, even though it was. It wasn't that I felt good after, even though I did. It was the surprising lesson that my my instructor taught me — an answer to a question I’ve been grappling with for weeks.

Turns out, clarity doesn't come from thinking so hard about everything. At least for me, it comes when I surrender and lean in. Tonight’s vlog is about that. What I learned about gratitude, my scattered attention span, and realizing I have more capacity than I give myself credit for.

Until next week,

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